Getting bits made for the car

Source: Crossthwaite and Gardiner

Source: The Sporting FIATs Club
When I looked down from the white board to the floor I saw what looked like a bucket with straight sides and was about ten inches in diameter; Lloyd asked me what I thought it was and I replied that I thought it was a piston for a pump or steam engine.
Not even close!’s a piston for the 1910 FIAT S76 of which only two were made.
The S76 was only a four cylinder car but it boasted 28.353 litres so each cylinder displaces just over 7 litres!!...that’s similar to nearly 10 Austin 7s with 40 cylinders between them….or 6 Riley 9s with 24 cylinders…or even 2 Allard V8s (nearly)
If you want to find out more about the rebuildof the S76 please go to …
And if you want to see some pictures, specifications and history then go to…
But back to the story, I had 8 brackets made which cost £15 each + VAT which I thought was very reasonable and in the process I learnt a lot more as well.

PS Next time you see a “For Sale” ad it may not be all it’s cracked up to be!